Turning Pages: Our Favorite Books About Math
Whether you're a literature enthusiast or science aficionado, people of all types enjoy curling up with a good book every once in a while. Maybe you prefer a Kindle, or maybe you live for the old book smell. Either way, the benefits of reading cannot be denied. Who says that mathematics and literature have to be on opposite ends of the academic spectrum? Here are some books about mathematics that are both educational and entertaining. They will have you putting down your math homework and running to the nearest bookstore or library as soon as possible.
If you have any suggestions, comment below!
Some of Infinity
by David Craft
Some of Infinity examines the roots of mathematics, as each chapter in the novel is dedicated to a different mathematical concept. Craft delivers this wide array of information in a personable and simplistic way that is accessible to all types of readers. This allows his audience to grasp and appreciate the many layers of the book. Shying away from the academic writing style of most math books, Craft aims to show the scope of mathematics and the exploration that is possible.
Fermat's Enigma
by Simon Singh
This National Bestseller is not a biography of Fermat, as the title might suggest. Instead, Singh delves into the lives of people who dedicated their time and careers to proving Fermat's Last Theorem. The book creates a more personalized view of mathematicians. The heartbreak, mastery, and critical moments of these great minds are documented in a way that humanizes the subject.
Chaos: Making a New Science
James Gleick
As Gleick's first title, Chaos is a non-fiction book about Chaos Theory. It's the first book published about Chaos theory and makes a complicated topic understandable to beginners. The book dives into the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, and Lorenz attractors without making the subject too difficult. Like Fermat's Enigma, this book also discusses the scientists and mathematicians who have contributed to the field. The book is often used in introduction courses as a leeway into the subject.
Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea
Charles Seife
Despite its title, Seife's debut novel is not an actual biography. This non-fiction book examines the idea of 0 and explains the controversiality surrounding the number at some points in history. It traces back to the Babylonian roots of 0 and takes a look at "one of the great paradoxes of human thinking". He writes the topic in a thrilling and interesting way, receiving great reviews from the Mathematical Association of America.
The Fractal Geometry of Nature
Benoit Mandelbrot
This book is a revised and updated version of Mandelbrot's earlier work titled, "Form, Chance, and Dimension. These books are regarded as some of the most influential scientific essays of the century. The author examines mathematical occurrences in nature, that take the geometric form of fractals. It brings mathematical equations into every day life, proving that mathematics is all around us.
Journey Through Genius: The Great Theorems of Mathematics
William Dunham
This book brilliantly combines biographical, historical, and mathematical information in an entertaining way. Dunham works to shine light on great mathematical minds, tracing various groundbreaking theories and discoveries. He shows them in their historical context, and provides information about the creator as well as the creation. There are even step-by-step proofs for the theorems, making this a book for mathematicians to enjoy, as well as those who are looking for a new topic to read about!
The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives
Leonard Mlodinow
This title is not as firmly rooted in mathematics as some others on this list, however it is still a great read that combines probability, statistics, and how they impact society. Mlodinow demonstrates how our lives are strongly determined by chance, even when there seems to be a clear system set in place. Ranging from political polls to corporate success, his examples are compelling and interesting. By combining psychology and statistics, The Drunkard's Walk takes an applicable approach to mathematics.
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers
Paul Hoffman
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers is a biography of mathematician Paul Erdös, and came about after author Paul Hoffman wrote a widely-recognized magazine article. The novel dictates Erdös's life and portrays him mostly in a positive light. However, Hoffman does point out his eccentricities. The book also touches on other mathematicians. It is written without much technical detail and can be appreciated by mathematicians and mathematicians alike.
Was this post interesting to you? Are you looking for others ways to incoporate math into your daily life? Look no further! Check out our blog posts about Math Movies, Math TV shows, and Art in Math!
DO the math, DON'T overpay. We make high quality, low-cost math resources a reality.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week
See if you can fit the pieces together to solve this week's Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week! Let us know how you do in the comments!
Solution below the break.Tuesday, April 26, 2016
How to Ace Your Finals!
Finals: Tips and Tricks for Success
That's right, it's time for finals!
As you know, the Center of Math aims to make educational resources accessible for students. Aligning with that mission, we have compiled some helpful tips to assist you in surviving– and thriving – during finals week.
Plan Ahead
Color coding is your friend! |
Take a Study Break
You may think your helping yourself by sitting in the library for 9 hours at a time. However, studies show that exercise or fresh air can help you stay motivated and even help retain information! Studies have shown that exercise has memory-boosting qualities, and it has also been proven that exercise releases endorphins that can lift your mood. Taking a 15 minute jog or even a short walk can put you in a better mindset when you come back to your books! Other activities besides exercise have been linked to stress release. It may seem childish, but coloring books and arts-and-crafts have stress reducing qualities. Companies even make adult coloring books with more intricate design patterns. Even college students can enjoy opening a fresh box of pointy crayons!
Know Your Study Habits
By the time you get to college, you have taken numerous tests and attended classes for nearly 12 years. As finals approach, it's a great time to take inventory of your own personal skills and learning style. There are four types of learners: visual, auditory, read/write, and kinesthetic. If you are a visual learner, the best way to study is to read your notes, make charts or diagrams, or draw concepts. What about an auditory learner? If you learn best by listening, it helps to speak information aloud or study with a friend. Those who retain information by reading/writing can make flashcards that serve both purposes! Kinesthetic learners master material by moving, so creating games and activities can lead you to success.
Being aware of your own learning style isn't the only way that understanding your academic personality can help you with finals. If you know that one class has been more difficult for you, then carve out more time to prepare for that exam. On the other hand, if you enjoy writing papers and they are easier for you, you can plan accordingly. Bottom line, knowing your strengths and weaknesses can help better prepare you for the tough week that lies ahead.
Stay Healthy
We already mentioned the benefits of exercise, but other healthy lifestyle choices may have a surprising impact on your educational habits. Of course, this is easier said than done and colds tend to strike at the most inopportune time. There are a few things you can do to stay in tip-top working condition. While pulling all nighters may seem necessary, sleep is actually incredibly beneficial. Do your best to get 8 hours, which can help your immune system stay in check. Eating healthy foods can also work in your favor. Putting good food in your body can help to keep your brain running properly and you will probably even be able to feel a difference. Some students swear by immune system boosters like Emergen-C or Alka-Seltzer Plus. Your finals are definitely important, but taking care of yourself is equally as crucial. You may be surprised how closely the two are related!
Beware of the Internet
The Center of Math is heavily involved in the Internet, and some educational sites can be super helpful during finals. For more information, check out our YouTube channel with tutorial videos about various math concepts. However, other websites (I'm looking at you, Facebook), can steal your time and distract you from your books. If you have a digital textbook, such as one from the Center, you can usually download the book to a PDF. You don't need the Internet to access it, which can help for convenience but also for procrastination. Social media sites have a way of letting you scroll and scroll until hours pass like minutes. If this sounds like you, finals week may be a good time to go on a social media cleanse and deactivate your account. You can also re-visit when you ace your exams! You may consider a Netflix episode a good study break, but beware as one can turn into 5 very easily. A walk or game of cards may be a better way to get your mind off Calculus 3 for a few minutes!
Allow for Accidents
It's 11:55 and you finish your paper due at midnight but uh-oh– printer is broken! It's happened to everyone, and unfortunately some teachers may not take this excuse. "Well you shouldn't have waited until that late", is a very common response to an exhausted student's plea. However, this teacher may have a point. You should always leave a buffer time for technology issues, writer's block, or other unexpected obstacles. If none of these occur, the extra 30 minutes allows you to take a deep breath every once in a while. However, if they do, then you are prepared and can still complete the assignment on time.
Take Advantage of Resources
Beware! Don't let this happen to you! |
Click here to visit our test prep playlist! |
Allow for Accidents
It's 11:55 and you finish your paper due at midnight but uh-oh– printer is broken! It's happened to everyone, and unfortunately some teachers may not take this excuse. "Well you shouldn't have waited until that late", is a very common response to an exhausted student's plea. However, this teacher may have a point. You should always leave a buffer time for technology issues, writer's block, or other unexpected obstacles. If none of these occur, the extra 30 minutes allows you to take a deep breath every once in a while. However, if they do, then you are prepared and can still complete the assignment on time.
Take Advantage of Resources
You may think you can tackle finals on your own, but often schools have resources in place that are there to make your life easier. If your professor has office hours, it's useful to show your face and discuss material. Even if you think you grasped all of the information, it can be useful to talk about the information aloud and many professors are happy to help! On top of office hours, many professors hold review sessions that recap the class and help prepare for the exam. This can add to your studying efforts because the information is consolidated and condensed. It also helps to have a scheduled review time, because that makes studying unavoidable. Some schools or majors offer free tutoring, and tutors have plenty of tips that can have helped them succeed in the same class. The bottom line is make sure you become aware of the resources available for you, and use them to benefit you come finals week!
The Center of Math Resources
If you're struggling to recount everything you learned in your math class this semester, the Center of Math may be able to help. Our study resources range from the videos previously mentioned, to digital study guides that correlate with our textbooks. The study guides are all less than $8! We also sell blueprints, which are a quick overview of the subject at hand. These sell for less than $3! Not only are our resources high-quality and incredibly helpful, but they are also affordable. Click on the links below to find out more information about our study resources.
AP Calculus Study Guide |
Differential Calculus Study Guide |
Integral Calculus Study Guide |
Differential Calculus Blueprint |
Pre-Calculus Blueprint |
Now, get back to those books! Remember these tips and study smart, not just hard.
Good luck!
Problem of the Week
Open yourself up to a whole new set of analytical possibilities in this week's Problem of the Week! Let us know how you do in the comments.
Solution below the break.Thursday, April 21, 2016
Earth day
Earth Day
As global warming increasingly proves to be a real threat to our planet, it is in our benefit to start decreasing our carbon footprint. The perfect time to start? Today!
The movement, starting in 1970, began to raise awareness toward environmental issues. The idea revolved around channeling human energy to help resolve these issues. Today, 46 years later, Earth Day continues to lead by example and inspire other to be more environmentally conscious.
For the past couple decade, we have produced and consumed the equivalent of 1.5 planets' worth of resources every year. Unless something changes, we are expected to consume 2 planets' worth of resources by 2050.
The goal starting today, according to Earth Day is to plant an additional 7.8 billion trees, divest fossil fuels and make cities 100% renewable. The mission statement ends with: "Let's take the momentum from the Paris Climate Summit and build it."
Every year, billions of pounds of food are wasted and thrown away, ending up in landfills. Unfortunately, more than 1/3 of all food produced worldwide for human consumption is discarded. Although it is unreasonable to assume that every once of food produced is consumed, there is a better way to reduce waste rather than throwing it away.
Earth Day Network describes composting as "a biological process during which naturally occurring microorganisms, bacteria and insects, break down organic materials such as leaves, grass clippings and certain kitchen scraps into a soil-like product called compost. It is a form of recycling - a natural away of returning needed nutrients to the soil."
What is a C/N ratio?
Rondale's Organic Life explains the right ration of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) is necessary for a compost pile to decompose efficiently. Too much nitrogen converts into ammonia gas, making the pile smell sour, while excess carbon breaks down the pile very slowly, The perfect ratio in a pule should start with a 30:1 C/N ratio.
Stop Using Disposable Plastic
Every year, about 300 million tons of plastic is produced to make various commodities for people around the world. Currently, only about 10% is properly recycled and reused. The rest ends up as litter, or waste in landfills contaminating soil, humans and endangering wildlife.
At this point, if immediate action is not taken against global warming it will continue to spiral out of control and our planet will continue to suffer. The good news is, as of recently Cambridge Ma, the Center of Math Headquarters, has passed a law that discontinues plastic bags! Hopefully other places and cities can follow in their footsteps and our planet can work together to promote environmental awareness.
For more information on Global Warming and its causes and effect, click here.
The Center of Math's environmental contributions stem from our efforts to focus on our digital resources rather than print textbooks. Along with producing high quality, affordable resources, we are also able to better the environment. You can find out digital textbooks, studyguides and blueprints here.
Many are discouraged by the idea that that individual participation wont do anything for the environment as a whole. This mindset is dramatically increasing global warming. Efforts add up, and together we can help our planet thrive!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week
Let's see what you come up with for this week's Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week!
Solution below the break.
Problem of the Week
Try your hand at this week's Calculus-based Problem of the Week. Let us know how you do in the comments!
Solution below the break.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Everyday Math: Architecture
Throughout this series, we have discovered mathematics posing as a character on your favorite television show, hiding in your favorite pieces of art, and starring in your favorite big-screen productions. We have even uncovered math in the baseball diamond, at the casino table, and on the soccer pitch.. but we aren't done yet. This Everyday Math blog post goes even further to examine the mathematics behind the very building you are sitting in, and the people who designed it.
That's right– let's take a look at the math behind architecture!
According to the dictionary, architecture is the art or practice of designing or constructing buildings. While this is common knowledge, the close correlation between mathematics and architecture might go unrecognized. The connections between the two disciplines are almost innumerable, especially when you realize that both, in a way, are the study of patterns and systems. Throughout history, some of the greatest architectural feats have been based in the realm of mathematics. This post will further explore some of these buildings, as well as the connection between math and architecture.
The first instance in history that demonstrates a mathematical association to architecture involves, not surprisingly, Pythagoras. Known for being the mind behind the Pythagorean theorem, numbers held a special significance to the Greek mathematician. This significance was mainly geometrical, as Pythagoras spoke of square, oblong, and triangular numbers. He also placed an importance on the aesthetic qualities of numbers and proportions. After Pythagoras's death, his followers– the Pythagoreans– carried on his ideas and utilized them in 447 BC when rebuilding the Parthenon. The ratio 3 : 4 : 5 was used throughout the building of the Parthenon, and later was notated as one of the Pythagorean Triples. Further, the ratio between the height and width (4 : 9), is the same as the ratio between the width and length (4:9). This may not seem significant but Berger, a mathematician, examined that the ratio 4:9 is used in the creation of the columns, as well as the inner area of the temple. Many argue that this consistent ratio accounts for the aesthetic beauty of the temple.
Let's turn the history book ahead a few hundred years. Time– 27 BC. Place– Ancient Rome. In case you dosed off during a few months of History class, there are many consistencies between the societies of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Like Ancient Greece, Rome focused on education, the arts, and beauty. This sets the stage for more architectural accomplishments, and with that more mathematical connections. In fact, in his series of books titled De Architectura, Virtruvius outlines the practical applications of mathematics that are necessary for building design. The Classical age again mirrored the former great civilizations in Greece and Rome, creating buildings that relied again on the importance of proportions, ratios, and perspective. The Classical age brings us Brunellischi, Alberti, and Leonardo da Vinci– all fascinated with mathematics.
London City Hall– Created by Foster + Partners Note the helical staircase inside |
One of today's most famous architecture studio is Foster + Partners. The company is famous for constructing enormous structure that dwarf their surrounding buildings. With the added size, comes more of a need for math. The buildings need to be made secure, aesthetically pleasing, comply with building regulations, and maximize a budget. A series of equations and programs help to ensure all of these categories are fulfilled. The Special Modeling Group's (SMG) was created to maximize the efforts of architects. SMG's often build larger shapes from smaller shapes. Makes sense, right? In order to do this, they create equations for various sections of a building. Examples of this are pictured below.
Has this post convinced you of the connections between mathematics and architecture?
In case it hasn't, here are some testimonials from architects further explaining their personal opinions.
(Testimonials gathered from http://www.lifeofanarchitect.com/architecture-and-math/) Jes Stafford
"Architects should be math ninjas. The aspiring architect should rush headlong into math as if charging into a field of battle. Math is an education in problem solving and of knowing what is asked. There are few stronger parallels to all the the variables in the Builder-Architect-Client dynamic. All math puns intended."
Andrew Hankins
"Math is important to my daily tasks as an Architect. It mostly involves simple calculations, but for me, it is necessary to be able to do them quickly in my head. And they are mostly simple equations, but it definitely helps if you can do them in your head and on the fly."
Evan Troxel
"That said, it is better if you are decent at math. Here are some examples people usually don’t think of as math, but are things architects use all the time: We are constantly adding and subtracting measurements, thicknesses, volumes and areas. We are responsible for budgets. We work with spreadsheets that tally sizes of spaces and everything has to all add up. We do TONS of geometry, and we love it. Geometry is math, right? Yes it is. Drawing + Math = Awesome. That’s one reason we’re architects and not artists."
Sources: http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/HistTopics/Architecture.html
Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week
Think you're up to the challenge of this week's Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week? Prove it!
Solution below the break.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Math Awareness Month: Future of Prediction
April: the month of showers, flowers, and.. math awareness?
That's right! April is Math Awareness Month. Each year the Joint Policy Board of Mathematics sponsors a Math Awareness Month, and chooses a different theme to accompany each April. This year, the theme is The Future of Prediction, and the Center of Math is taking a look at the future of textbooks!
According to Northeastern University's online resources, a significant amount of students suffer due to unreasonable textbook prices. To be more exact, 48% said that the cost of books has impacted which classes they chose to take. Around 65% did not buy a required text because of the price and 94% of students who skipped buying a text worried that their grade would be impacted.
According to Former U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, projections put the U.S. textbook market at nearly half digital by 2017. "This is the last generation of students who will carry backpacks to school," writes Zachary Walker, a special educator and technology consultant writing for SmartBrief, Inc. on Education.
A survey conducted by the Pearson Foundation found that 63% of college students and 69% of high school students believe that traditional textbooks will be phased out in the next five years. A little more than 50% of college students also expressed a preference for digital textbooks over printed ones for class.
Two Center of Math employees, interviewed various Northeastern University students on the future of digital textbooks. Most students agreed that digital textbooks are the future. As we are now in the digital age, students expressed how a digital option would make much more sense for them. Affordability, convenience and simply an aptitude and expectation that most resources should be accessible online are all factors pushing students away from print textbooks. More to come with a video highlighting students' thoughts and feelings toward digital textbooks.
Along with the students' responses, the statistics below speak for themselves, showing the gradual increase of digital textbook use and popularity.
As faculty, you have the opportunity to request a free faculty copy
Rivero, Victor. "Digital textbooks: show me the future! Etextbooks, ebooks, e-readers, other e-tools, and more." Internet@Schools May-June 2013: 12+. Academic OneFile. Web. 6 Apr. 2016.
http://libraries.state.ma.us.ezproxy.neu.edu/login?gwurl=http://go.galegroup.com.ezproxy.neu.edu/ps/i.do? id=GALE%7CA329067889&v=2.1&u=mlin_b_northest&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w&asid=01ff9f34a0adba1b52472230914f08b4
Problem of the Week
See if you can come up with a cool angle for this week's geometric Problem of the Week!
Solution below the break.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week
Check out this week's dynamical Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week, which asks you to field some pointed questions about dynamics!
Solution below the break.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
April: Math Awareness Month
Math Awareness Week began in 1986, and was set into play by President Ronald Reagan. He aimed to increase the appreciation and public understanding of mathematics by the public. In a speech, Reagan proclaimed,
"Despite the increasing importance of mathematics to the progress of our economy and society, enrollment in mathematics programs has been declining at all levels of the American educational system. Yet the application of mathematics is indispensable in such diverse fields as medicine, computer sciences, space exploration, the skilled trades, business, defense, and government. To help encourage the study and utilization of mathematics, it is appropriate that all Americans be reminded of the importance of this basic branch of science to our daily lives."
In 1986, Math Awareness Month was celebrated on a national basis, with national exhibits and advertising. However, today colleges, institutions, regions, and states have all taken the responsibility of directing focus to mathematics. Mathematics Awareness Week has also been transformed into Mathematics Awareness Month.
Essays and Posters
The connections between mathematics and predictions can be explored throughout various mediums and topics. The predictive nature of math can be utilized to examine various disciplines– from economics to the environment. Through the month, the JPBM will publish essays and posters that help illuminate the theme of the month.
So far, a few essays and visualizations have been made available on www.mathaware.org, a website dedicated to Math Appreciation Month.
Predicting U.S Industrial Production with Oil and Natural Gas Prices
Matthew L. Higgins
To Your Health!
Joe Kincaid
Great expectations: The past, present and future of prediction from ancient oracles to statistical models.
Coming Soon in April 2016 Significance Magazine
Click here for a closer look at The Future of Prediction poster
This list will be updated with events throughout the month.
Spark 101: Spark 101 is a program that allows for students to walk in the shoes of STEM professionals. Through video case studies, students will use problem solving capabilities to face challenges that will lead to future innovation. Resources are free to faculty members and align with curriculum to teach students about working in STEM.
Social Media
Twitter: @mathaware
This twitter account is active every April, posting information that coincides with the theme of each particular Math Awareness Month. The Math Aware twitter shares activities planned throughout the country and essays that have been submitted. Follow the page to stay updated on the latest Math Awareness Month updates! Facebook: Mathematics Awareness Month
The JPBM also maintains a Facebook page that works to inform the public about Math Awareness Month events and happenings. The Facebook page also publishes images and posters that go along with the theme of the month. Check it out!
sources: http://www.mathaware.org/mam/2016/
Problem of the Week
This week's Problem of the Week asks you to come up with a geometric argument for equality of the area of four triangles.
Solution below the break.
Solution below the break.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Everyday Math: Games and Logic Puzzles
Everyday Math: Math Games and Logic Puzzles
We'll start with an easy one. Sudoku ranges in difficulty levels but this classic puzzle is probably the most common. Sudoku forms the basis for several other puzzle-type math and logic games.
A Sudoku board is pictured above. The grid is broken down into boxes, rows, and columns. There are also some numbers already filled in. The objective of the puzzle is to label each of the small boxes with a number 1-9. Doesn't sound too bad, right? The tricky part is that 1 number can't appear twice in a row, column, or box. In other words, each box must have one of each number (1-9). The same is true for the rows, as well as the columns. If one number is out of place, you may have to rearrange your entire board. Math may not be directly related, but the same problem solving capabilities and reason required for thinking through math problems will help you in Sudoku! Sharpen your pencil, because this is definitely not something to complete in pen!
Killer Sudoku
Don't let the name fool you! Killer Sudoku is just like Sudoku but with an added challenge. The game still follows the same rules as Sudoku– with one added twist. On the board below you will see dotted lines outlining various shapes. Some only have 2 boxes, while some have up to 7. You will also see small numbers inside those dotted boxes. These numbers represent the sum of the numbers within the dotted lines. Unlike regular Sudoku, there are no numbers already filled in for you, so your only hints are the sums. The higher level Killer Sudoku puzzles have higher numbers as the sums, creating more possible number combinations. Give it a try!
Similar to Sudoku and Killer Sudoku, Calcudoku follows the same basic directions. Instead of having to fill in the numbers according to sums, like in Killer Sudoku, Calcudoku provides a number and a certain mathematical operation. The numbers in the smaller boxes must compute to the number given, using the function noted. Again, no numbers are filled in before you begin, so the mathematical functions are the only hint you have! If you enjoy mental math, this is probably the twist on Sudoku you would enjoy the most! Below is an example with some numbers already filled in.
Bongard Problem
Bongard problems differ from the previously mentioned Sudoku puzzles. Have you ever played spot the difference in a children's magazine or book? Well Russian Scientist M.M Bogart created a similar game in 1967. Bongard problems are based on visual pattern recognition. There are 6 shapes or figures on the left, and six figures on the right. The six shapes on the left all share a common characteristic with each other or follow the same rule. The shapes on the right also share a common trait with each other, but something separates them from the shapes on the left. The game is to figure out what the difference is between the two sides. In other words, it's your job to find the rule that each side follows or does not follow. Check out the example below, a medium level problem.
Solution: The shapes on the left are convex, while the shapes on the right are concave.