Thursday, April 21, 2016

Earth day

                      Earth Day

As global warming increasingly proves to be a real threat to our planet, it is in our benefit to start decreasing our carbon footprint. The perfect time to start? Today!

The movement, starting in 1970, began to raise awareness toward environmental issues. The idea revolved around channeling human energy to help resolve these issues. Today, 46 years later, Earth Day continues to lead by example and inspire other to be more environmentally conscious. 

For the past couple decade, we have produced and consumed the equivalent of 1.5 planets' worth of resources every year. Unless something changes, we are expected to consume 2 planets' worth of resources by 2050.

The goal starting today, according to Earth Day is to plant an additional 7.8 billion trees, divest fossil fuels and make cities 100% renewable. The mission statement ends with: "Let's take the momentum from the Paris Climate Summit and build it."


Every year, billions of pounds of food are wasted and thrown away, ending up in landfills. Unfortunately, more than 1/3 of all food produced worldwide for human consumption is discarded. Although it is unreasonable to assume that every once of food produced is consumed, there is a better way to reduce waste rather than throwing it away.

Earth Day Network describes composting as "a biological process during which naturally occurring microorganisms, bacteria and insects, break down organic materials such as leaves, grass clippings and certain kitchen scraps into a soil-like product called compost. It is a form of recycling - a natural away of returning needed nutrients to the soil."

What is a C/N ratio?

Rondale's Organic Life explains the right ration of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) is necessary for a compost pile to decompose efficiently. Too much nitrogen converts into ammonia gas, making the pile smell sour, while excess carbon breaks down the pile very slowly, The perfect ratio in a pule should start with a 30:1 C/N ratio. 

Stop Using Disposable Plastic 

Every year, about 300 million tons of plastic is produced to make various commodities for people around the world. Currently, only about 10% is properly recycled and reused. The rest ends up as litter, or waste in landfills contaminating soil, humans and endangering wildlife.

At this point, if immediate action is not taken against global warming it will continue to spiral out of control and our planet will continue to suffer. The good news is, as of recently Cambridge Ma, the Center of Math Headquarters, has passed a law that discontinues plastic bags! Hopefully other places and cities can follow in their footsteps and our planet can work together to promote environmental awareness.

For more information on Global Warming and its causes and effect, click here.

The Center of Math's environmental contributions stem from our efforts to focus on our digital resources rather than print textbooks. Along with producing high quality, affordable resources, we are also able to better the environment. You can find out digital textbooks, studyguides and blueprints here

Many are discouraged by the idea that that individual participation wont do anything for the environment as a whole. This mindset is dramatically increasing global warming. Efforts add up, and together we can help our planet thrive!


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