Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April: Math Awareness Month

Each year, in an effort to increase understanding and appreciation for mathematics, the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) sponsors April as Math Awareness Month. The JPBM is comprised of various mathematical associations, including the AMA, ASA, MAA, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. In a collaborative effort, the JPBM has denoted each Math Appreciation Month with a certain theme each year. Last year, the theme was Math Drives Careers. This year, April is centered on "The Future of Prediction". With this title, comes a focus on how mathematics and statistics can be used to predict innovations and patterns for the future.


Math Awareness Week began in 1986, and was set into play by President Ronald Reagan. He aimed to increase the appreciation and public understanding of mathematics by the public. In a speech, Reagan proclaimed, 
"Despite the increasing importance of mathematics to the progress of our  economy and society, enrollment in mathematics programs has been declining at all levels of the American educational system. Yet the application of mathematics is indispensable in such diverse fields as medicine, computer sciences, space exploration, the skilled trades, business, defense, and government. To help encourage the study and utilization of mathematics, it is appropriate that all Americans be reminded of the importance of this basic branch of science to our daily lives."

In 1986, Math Awareness Month was celebrated on a national basis, with national exhibits and advertising. However, today colleges, institutions, regions, and states have all taken the responsibility of directing focus to mathematics. Mathematics Awareness Week has also been transformed into Mathematics Awareness Month.

Essays and Posters

The connections between mathematics and predictions can be explored throughout various mediums and topics. The predictive nature of math can be utilized to examine various disciplines– from economics to the environment. Through the month, the JPBM will publish essays and posters that help illuminate the theme of the month. 

So far, a few essays and visualizations have been made available on www.mathaware.org, a website dedicated to Math Appreciation Month.

Predicting U.S Industrial Production with Oil and Natural Gas Prices
Matthew L. Higgins

To Your Health!
Joe Kincaid

Great expectations: The past, present and future of prediction from ancient oracles to statistical models. 
Coming Soon in April 2016 Significance Magazine

Click here for a closer look at The Future of Prediction poster

This list will be updated with events throughout the month. 

Spark 101: Spark 101 is a program that allows for students to walk in the shoes of STEM professionals. Through video case studies, students will use problem solving capabilities to face challenges that will lead to future innovation. Resources are free to faculty members and align with curriculum to teach students about working in STEM. 

Social Media

Twitter: @mathaware
This twitter account is active every April, posting information that coincides with the theme of each particular Math Awareness Month. The Math Aware twitter shares activities planned throughout the country and essays that have been submitted. Follow the page to stay updated on the latest Math Awareness Month updates!

 Facebook: Mathematics Awareness Month
The JPBM also maintains a Facebook page that works to inform the public about Math Awareness Month events and happenings. The Facebook page also publishes images and posters that go along with the theme of the month. Check it out!

sources: http://www.mathaware.org/mam/2016/