Thursday, January 25, 2018

Math Organizations from JMM 2018

JMM 2018 was a fun math filled event and a great way to start the year. After meeting so many new people and seeing so many different math related organization, we thought we'd share some of our favorites. Here is a list of some of cool math organizations we learned about.

AWM - Association for Women in Mathematics
AWM works to help encourage interest in mathematics among women, as well as advocates for equality among genders in the mathematics. Formed in 1971, the society has held lectures series honoring notable female mathematicians and have given out medals such as the Alice T. Schafer for undergraduate women who have shown themselves to be exceptional mathematicians. They have notable members too, such as their current president Ami Radunskaya, who is a professor of mathematics at Pomona College.

CoCalc - Collaborative Calculation in the Cloud
CoCalc is part of the Sage Project, an expansive tool created by the mathematics professor William Stein. CoCalc is a powerful environment made to carry out mathematical calculations, and can also be used to help organize courses. Over 200 courses have used CoCalc; it has proven itself to be invaluable to classroom learning.

Project Gutenburg - Free eBooks
Project Gutenburg makes easily accessible old eBooks from notable authors, many of which have expired copyrights. On Project Gutenburg you can find works by Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Felix Klein, and many more. Project Gutenburg has books from a wide range of topics, which they digitize and proofread with the help of many volunteers.

Edfinity - Affordable Resource for Problems
It is well known that solving problems is key to progressing in mathematics, and Edfinity is working to make textbook problems more accessible to students. Edfinity provides problems and solutions from textbooks or other sources for students to solve to help further their education, and helps educators by making grading more automated. It is a convenient place for students to hone their problem solving abilities.

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