Friday, April 1, 2016

McGreen Cliff

It's a big day for the Center of Math! We have officially been bought out by publishing company, McGreen Cliff. The decision was made based on the hope that the company would dramatically increase profits by selling higher priced textbooks. With more money coming into the company, we are able to allocate our resources to create a better textbook. There is no debate toward the notion "more expensive textbooks are better quality."

Our new 500 dollar textbook ensures that enough money is coming into the company; the Center will be able to officially discontinue all study guides and helpful videos. Ultimately, the goal is to make more money and not waste time on affordable and helpful options for students. The Center admits that they're mission to get students to "adopt affordable" was not realistic. The only way for the students to learn and for the company to make money is to implement our new $500 textbook. This way, students will be getting the best and the company will thrive.

The Center interviewed two students at Northeastern University regarding their feelings on this change. To no surprise, it was positive!

Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

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