Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The WCoM Blog Celebrates 100k Views! And A Look Back at Our Favorite Blog Moments!

Today, the staff at the Worldwide Center of Mathematics is celebrating, because we've reached 100,000 views on our blog! We have worked very hard to achieve this number, but know that we could not have done it without our amazing fans. So we just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been supporting our blog (and all things Center of Math) for the past couple of years. We only hope that you have enjoyed reading our blog as much as we have enjoyed writing it. Let’s continue this journey by taking a second to look back at how the blog got started and some of our favorite moments from our blog history.

In 2013 we decided to launch a blog because we wanted to write about different math topics in a more detailed way and to explore other areas such as history and science. We also wanted to write about the Center of Math, and some of the fun things we do in the office and on the road, not to mention the desire to put in a healthy scoop of mathematics humor. Today, with over 200 posts on a wide variety of topics, from educational to just plain goofy, the Center of Math is proud of how far our blog has come. And now, let’s take a second to remember some of our favorite blog moments from over the years.

First Blog Post:
Of course we have to mention our first post, which was posted in November of 2013, since that's how it all started. The post was titled “6 Jobs You Can Get With a Math Degree,” and outlined the many job opportunities available as a math major. Paired with a visually powerful and informative infographic, we believe this post did a great job at being both educational and entertaining at the same time.

Throwback Fact:
In 2014, we started to to post a Throwback Fact on Thursdays as a tribute to Throwback Thursdays (or #TBT). With a variety of posts on topics like the Rhind Papyrus, the Origins of Pi, or the AMS, our Throwback Facts have been a great way to learn history about math related content. Today, this tradition has still held strong, with our last Throwback Fact being about Thales of Miletus and with more to come in the future. You can read all of our Throwback Fact posts here.

Five Math Dates For Everyone
Is our most popular blog post of all time...
could love be in the air?

Lists, Advice, and Favorites:
These have always been fun for us to write about because we get a break from the more serious math related content and get to be a little silly. Our lists have been a big hit on our blog and we believe it is because they are relatable and entertaining even for those who aren't mathematicians. One of our most popular lists, "Five Math Dates For Everyone" is a perfect example of this because people are always looking for new dates ideas. This same sentiment can be said for some of our other popular posts like, "8 Vacation Destinations for the Mathematician" and "Must-Watch Mathematics YouTube Channels" which was fun to write and have received a lot of positive reactions. You can read some of our other favorite lists HERE.

We started the Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week this year to provide some extra challenge for our readers.
Jacob drew this Halloween themed problem himself, for which you can find the solution HERE.
Problem of the Week/Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week:
Now to talk about the complete opposite of our "silly" lists, we take you to the very serious Problem of the Week and our newest addition, the Advanced Knowledge Problem of the week. What you may not know is that the Center of Math has been sharing Problem of the Weeks well before our blog launched in 2013. We decided to create a Problem of the Week to help people practice and/or improve their math skills which we shared on other social media platforms. While this was great because people could easily share, comment, and view the problem, it proved difficult because we did not have the space to provide a solution. With the launch of the blog, this allowed us to post more in depth problems along with their solutions. Of course we still post all of the problems on social media (with solution links) but with the blog our problems are now on the next level. Now, each Monday we post a Problem of the Week, and every Wednesday we post a Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week with the solutions. You can give these problems a try and view them all HERE.

There you have it, a look back out some of our favorite moments from the Center of Math blog history. Of course, we know that only the best is yet to come, so keep checking back to see what else we come up with. And once again, thank you for your loyal readership and support! You can continue to show us your love by following/liking/subscribing to the Center of Math on Facebook, Twitter, Google+YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr

- Thank you from all of us at the Worldwide Center of Mathematics! 


  1. Congratulations.. You always rock. Keep up sharing the great information with us. OffShoring

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