Monday, November 30, 2015

Problem of the Week

Thanksgiving seems about a good as time as any for us to get completely piled with snow, so here's a wintry themed Problem of the Week which I don't know will be relevant by the time it goes up!

You can read my solution to this problem below.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week

Here's a combinatorics-based Advanced Knowledge Problem for which tomorrow you'll be thankful that you finished today. 
My solution's posted after the break. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 gets a facelift

Visit to check out the all new #centerofmath homepage!

Thanksgiving: Facts and Figures

With Thanksgiving approaching this week, we wanted to take a look at a few numerical facts and figures about the holiday. Keep reading for a text version of all the content in the image, plus more!

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Grand Hotel

One of my favorite mathematics stories/folktales/thought experiments/jokes is that of David Hilbert's Grand Hotel, where Hilbert is of course the renowned mathematician you may know of already. Despite its appearance as just a rather strange mathematical folktale, it's based around true, yet counterintuitive mathematical properties of infinite sets. Though the story has many different versions by many authors, you can read my rendition of it below.

Problem of the Week

Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and with that comes all sorts of circular baked goods, like the ones in this two-part Problem of the Week!

Keep in mind that the pieces don't have to be the same shape or size! You can check out my solution below.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week

Here's another group theory based Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week. To learn about the concepts underlying problems like this, check out our new series on group theory!

Like always, I've written up my own solution to this problem below.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Video series: Group theory basics

The Worldwide Center of Mathematics is dedicated to more venues of mathematics education than just textbooks, and for this reason we've made a new video series, detailing some of the basics and interesting concepts in the mathematical field of group theory. Keep reading to learn more...

Monday, November 16, 2015

Problem of the Week

Happy Monday, Center of Math fans! For this Problem of the Week, you're definitely going to need to think outside the box.

Keep reading to check out my own solution to this problem!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week

Happy 11-11! No special problem for that date, though, but if you want you can substitute 11 for both alpha and beta in today's Advanced Knowledge Problem, if that seems like fun.

Keep reading to see how I worked out the answer.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Worldwide Lecture Seminar Series Presents: Mihai Fulger

The Worldwide Center of Mathematics invites you to join us on Friday, November 20, 2015 for a talk by Mihai Fulger of Princeton University on local volumes. You can register to attend this event for FREE at

The Worldwide Lecture Series is presented and hosted by the Worldwide Center of Mathematics in our studio lecture room in Cambridge. We record these lectures in full and make them available on our YouTube channel for the global mathematics community. You can view our past lectures here, or watch them below, including this lecture once it's taken place.

Our lecture room and recording equipment/services are available for hire. If you would like to give a lecture, record it and distribute it online, we offer the ideal solution. For more information, contact us at

Monday, November 9, 2015

Problem of the Week

Good morning Center of Math fans! Here's a number-theory Problem of the Week for you to wake yourselves up with.

Keep reading to see how I proved this!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week

Happy Wednesday! By now you all should be thoroughly doused in inappropriately-timed, beginning-of-November holiday advertisments. Here's a completely non-themed Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week to keep your mind off those. 

Keep reading if you want to see my solution!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

YouTube Subscriber Challenge: #challengethecenter

The Center of Math is excited to announce a brand new event! Do you enjoy watching people do crazy things? Things that make you laugh? Things that make you thankful it's not you? If you do, you'll love our newest promotion, which is all about embarrassing our staff and entertaining our fans. So check out this video and keep reading to learn more!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Problem of the Week

Hopefully your systems are all respectively emptied of sugar by now. We ran out of pumpkin spice flavoring, so here's a regular old trigonometry-based Problem of the Week. 

Keep reading to see my solution for this problem.