Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week

It's four days before All Hallow's Day, so I guess that makes today Hallowe'en-e'en-e'en-e'en? Here's another pumpkin spice flavored Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week to celebrate it. 

Keep reading to see my formulation of the solution!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Problem of the Week

Hallowe'en is coming up soon, so we're trying out our new experimental pumpkin spice flavoring for the Problem of the Week. Have a go at it!

Keep reading to see my solution!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Throwback Fact: Thales of Miletus

Thales of Miletus was an ancient Greek mathematician, scientist, and philosopher who predated most well known Greek thinkers. Though his contributions and discoveries in physical sciences and philosophy were noteworthy, this is the Center of Math, and thus we are going to focus on his contributions to mathematics for this week's Throwback Fact.  So, keep reading to learn more!

Source: Wikipedia

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week

As Steven Spielberg would have it, today's the day Marty McFly visits the far-flung future of two thousand fifteen. I wrote down a time-travel themed Advanced Knowledge Problem, but I left it in the trunk of my flying car. Here's the one I came up with in the meantime.

Think you've worked it out? Keep reading for my solution.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Must-Watch Mathematics YouTube Channels

Since we enjoyed writing about our favorite math-inspired Twitters, we decided that for this week we'd write about some of our favorite YouTube channels with math related content. Keep reading to see who made the list.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Problem of the Week

Good morning from the Center of Math! We don't have the hourly traffic report, but we do have this week's new Problem of the Week.

I've written up my answer to this one below...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Video Series: So You Want To Learn LaTeX

Hello to all you mathematicians out there! We at the Center of Math have put together a video series where I, Jacob, explain the basics and useful features of the powerful open-source text and mathematics typesetting program LaTeX, widely used in academic writing, and which can make your papers for school, or documents for any purpose, look beautiful. In fact, all of the Worldwide Center of Mathematics' textbooks are typeset in LaTeX! Keep reading to find out more...

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week

Don't miss this week's Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week.
Once you've given as much thought as either you've got or it takes, click below to see my own solution.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Problem of the Week

Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day! You can also feel free to celebrate some Italian guy paid by Spain to attempt and fail to get to India, if that's what you're into. Here's the Problem of the Week, which has to do with neither of them.

 Figured out how to show this? Stumped? You can find my work-through of this one after the break.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Seven Math-Inspired Halloween Costumes

Halloween is approaching and October is coming to an end, so it seems it's time to start thinking about costumes! What will your costume be this year? A ghost? A mummy? How about something inspired by math? At the Worldwide Center of Mathematics, we really love math and Halloween, so keep reading for some awesome costume ideas!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week

As you may have guessed on Monday, we're diving headlong into the autumnal spirit in our Problems of the Week, and this one before you is no exception. Dig in!

To view the solution, or to check yours against mine, click below.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Celebrating World Teachers' Day!

Happy World Teachers' Day! The Center of Math wanted to extend our gratitude and appreciation for teachers across the world! We asked some of our staff members and friends to share with us how teachers have made a positive impact on their lives. Keep reading to see what people had to say.

Problem of the Week

I hope everyone's been safe and dry this weekend--of course, I write these on Friday, so I don't actually know how bad it was (will be? will have been?). Here's the first Problem of the Week for October!
Click below for my writeup of my solution to this one.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Throwback Fact: The SAT

This Saturday marks the first SAT exam of the year, so to celebrate, the Center of Math is going to talk about the history of the SAT for this week's Throwback Fact. Keep reading to learn more about the SAT!